Maritime Technologies

BAUER Maritime Technologies is a department of BAUER Maschinen GmbH. The company’s field of operation is the development and construction of special drill rigs for offshore foundations (wind farms, oil&gas) and marine exploration (SMS deposits, gas hydrates). BSD3000, Dive Drill, Trench cutter technologies and MeBo 200 are the products which are currently available. Our constant research of new solutions makes BAUER Maritime Technologies a valuable partner for the offshore industry.

BAUER Maritime Technologies is directly involved in R&D research projects in order to share with other partners our scientific and technical know-how, such as Sugar “Submarine Gas Hydrate Reservoirs”. BAUER Maritime Technologies is involved in the sub-project B3 which will develop new drilling and production concepts that address the specific challenges of marine gas hydrate deposits.

BAUER Maritime Technologies provides drilling tools and technologies for offshore foundation structures and maritime exploration and mining.

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BMA Maritime Technologies

BAUER MeBo – Sea Bed Drill Rig